Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Box.

"As we drive along this road called life, occasionally a gal will find herself a little lost. And when that happens, I guess she has to let go of the coulda, woulda, shoulda, buckle up, and just keep going". - Carrie Bradshaw

I'm back! After my seven month hiatus after only two blog posts. Sounds about right when it comes to me and actually following through with what I start. I don't want this blog to go into the "Thought About, But Never Followed Through" box.

That box already contains some of the following:
- The acoustic guitar that Santa gave me about 8 years ago.
- The bicycle that I have sitting behind the couch collecting dust.
- The Paleo lifestyle that I enjoy, but allowed myself to only be strict on weekdays. I say: "weekends and vacations are too hard to be Paleo"... and has now turned into the "Paleo when I feel like it".
- The ten books (Yes, ten... I actually counted them) I have sitting on my dresser, just waiting to be enjoyed... yet I continue buying new books to add to the collection.
- The bookshelf that I almost finished painting white to match the rest of my room furniture, but never actually did finish painting.

No, I'm not allowing this blog to going into that box. That box, is full.. in fact, overflowing. I don't even have room for it anymore. I'm downsizing, literally & figuratively.

It was actually Ms. Carrie Bradshaw who inspired me to pull the blog out of the box. For those who don't know, Carrie is the incredibly entertaining, sexy, 30-something, columnist/writer, living in NYC from the HBO show Sex and the City. Since I currently have some free-time, I've been re-watching the entire series (at least TV shows rarely make it into that box.. ha). Carrie and I have a lot in common, other than the fact that she lives in her own rented apartment in Manhattan, is a self proclaimed "fashionista", and gets paid for people to listen to what she writes. While I am sitting in my boyfriend's Newport Beach apartment, in my lululemon yoga pants (I haven't done yoga in weeks), writing to a unknown crowd. What she and I do have in common is that we are both just utterly confused. One day, we think we have life all figured out, nothing can hold us back, nothing can bring us down. The next day, we realize that we were terribly wrong! And around in circles we go. I'll tell you what though, Carrie completely inspires me. She is so the definition of an imperfect person, but she owns it.

The physical therapist in me understands the importance of goals --> measurable/obtainable goals. Goal #1: Write 1 blog post per week for the next 8 weeks.

It's time that I become accountable, and this blog is coming out of the box and into my imperfect world.

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