Monday, May 22, 2017

Motivation Monday- Write down your ideal day.

Let's be real- days, weeks, months fly by. Winter is coming, then all of a sudden we are springing forward, in a blink of an eye it's summer, then it's pumpkin spice latte time, and then we are preparing for the holidays again. Round and round we go. Case in point, it's been over a year since I posted.

Many of us make new years resolutions usually something about health, wellness, and/or improving our lives somehow. I want you to reflect back to what your new years resolution was. Can you remember it? If you remember, have you reached your resolution goal? Are you actively reaching towards it currently? Have your resolutions changed or evolved overtime? To be honest, I don't remember mine. If you are like me and can't remember your goal, make a new resolution today. Don't wait until the new year. If you have obtained your goal, make a new one. If you haven't obtained your resolution yet, use that. Now, I have two activities for you. One you will probably only do once, the other should be performed daily.

Get a piece of paper and I want you to write down your ideal day. Write down what that day looks like to you. Include:
- What time you wake up?
- How many hours of sleep did you get?
- What do you do when you first wake up?
- What do you eat for breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?
- What do you do that brings you closer towards that goal or resolution?

Write it down, do not just think it in your head. Place is piece of paper somewhere that you see it every day. This exercise doesn't guarantee that you will reach your goal or resolution- you must actively do something. But it's a very good first step.

Another equally important activity is self-reflection. Self-reflection is thoughtfulness, meditation, or mindfulness towards one's actions or motives. It takes about 5-10 minutes. Each day, I want you to "grade" yourself; A, B, C, D, F with pluses or minuses if you would like. What grade would you give yourself on your days actions towards reaching these goals and resolutions? No judgements, it's a thoughtful reflection on your day. The point is not necessarily the grade, it's the activity of reflection in itself. The grades may be able to help to show patterns that are helpful, or hinder our ability to reach these goals.

Try it! If you would like to share your goals or resolutions here or in a message, feel free. If you need some help reaching these goals, please don't be shy to ask someone (Ask me!). Also, if you have any self-reflection tools that you use that are helpful, please share! We all are constantly learning from each other.

Remember, you CAN do it, the only thing getting in your way is yourself. 😊

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